Name: Tim "The Grease Monkey" Stewart
Age: 17
Specialty: Music
Handicaps: Filthy Hair
Likes: Media, Music, Benni Cellini
Dislikes: Shampoo and Conditioners
Favourite Band: Letzte Instanz, Mors Principium Est, Norther, Amon Amarth, Rammstein, In Extremo, The Veronicas, S.O.A.P, Die Apokalyptischen Reiter
Favourite Foods: Subway, Coke, Cheese Twists
Favourite TV Show: Chaser's War on Everything, Dilbert
Least Favourite TV Show: Big Brother
Favourite Film (any): Trainspotting
Least Favourite Film (any): Saw 1, 2 and 3
Favourite Film (ours): The Veronicas - I Could Get Used To This
Least Favorite Film (ours): Chopper
Filmography: Benny Hill, SOAP Live, Blue Day, Road To Success, The IT Office, Motorola Perv-Cam, Jurassic Couch, A Real Fight, Captain Planet, Bogans - The Movie, The Veronicas, Naive Neil, Fat Cats, Lepracy High |